What does APM mean?

“APM” or “Actions per Minute” is a term used in online gaming to measure a player’s speed and dexterity in executing actions within the game. This metric is often used in real-time strategy games (RTS) and other games that require fast reflexes and quick decision-making.

How APM is Measured

APM is typically measured by counting the number of actions or key presses a player makes within a minute. Actions can include moving units, issuing commands, or using abilities or spells within the game.

Importance of APM in Online Gaming

In games that require quick reflexes and decision-making, such as real-time strategy games, APM can be a crucial factor in determining a player’s success. Players with a higher APM are able to execute more actions within the game, allowing them to react more quickly to changing situations and gain a tactical advantage over their opponents.

However, APM is not the only factor that determines a player’s success in online gaming. Strategy, decision-making, and teamwork are also critical elements that contribute to a player’s overall performance.


APM, or Actions per Minute, is a term used in online gaming to measure a player’s speed and dexterity in executing actions within the game. It is often used in real-time strategy games and other games that require fast reflexes and quick decision-making. A higher APM can give players a tactical advantage over their opponents, but it is not the only factor that determines a player’s success in online gaming.

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