
What does Carry mean?

The carry is typically responsible for dealing the most damage and securing kills, and as such, they are essential to the success of the team. In some games, the carry may also be responsible for pushing objectives and securing map control.

Different types of Carries

There are different types of carries depending on the game, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The following are some of the most common types of carries:

Physical Damage Carry

This type of carry deals physical damage, which is usually mitigated by armor. They are typically played in the safe lane and rely on auto-attacks to deal damage. Examples of physical damage carries include Jinx from League of Legends and Drow Ranger from Dota 2.

Magic Damage Carry

This type of carry deals magic damage, which is usually mitigated by magic resistance. They are typically played in the mid lane and rely on spells to deal damage. Examples of magic damage carries include Lina from Dota 2 and Lissandra from League of Legends.

Hybrid Damage Carry

This type of carry deals both physical and magic damage, making it harder for opponents to itemize against them. They are typically played in the safe lane and rely on a mix of auto-attacks and spells to deal damage. Examples of hybrid damage carries include Vayne from League of Legends and Luna from Dota 2.

Utility Carry

This type of carry provides utility for the team, such as healing or crowd control. They are typically played in the support role but can also be played in other roles depending on the game. Examples of utility carries include Soraka from League of Legends and Oracle from Dota 2.

Strategies for playing a Carry

Playing a carry is not just about dealing damage; it also requires good decision-making and game sense. The following are some strategies that can help a player succeed as a carry:


Farming is the process of killing creeps to gain gold and experience. As a carry, it is essential to farm as much as possible to gain the items and levels needed to become strong.

Map Awareness

Being aware of what is happening on the map can help a carry make better decisions. It is important to keep an eye on the minimap and be aware of where opponents are and what objectives are available.


Positioning is crucial for a carry as they are typically the primary target for opponents. It is important to position oneself in a way that allows them to deal damage while avoiding being killed.


Communication with one’s team is important in any role, but it is especially important for carries. It is important to communicate with one’s team about objectives, opponent positions, and when to engage or retreat.


In MOBA/hero-based shooters, the carry role is essential to the success of the team. The carry is responsible for dealing the most damage and securing kills, and as such, they require good decision-making and game sense. There are different types of carries, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, and each requires a different playstyle. Overall, playing a carry requires practice, patience, and a willingness to learn and adapt to different situations.

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