
What does Crit mean?

Critical hits, also known as crits, are a key feature of many games, particularly in the RPG and MMORPG genres. These hits offer players a chance to deal significantly more damage to their opponents than usual, and can often be the key to victory in tough battles. In this article, we will explore the mechanics of critical hits and their significance in different games.

Critical Hit Mechanics

Critical hits are often determined by a percentage chance, with some games allowing players to increase their chances through gear or abilities. When a critical hit occurs, it is usually accompanied by a unique sound effect, animation, or a different color text to signify the increased damage dealt.
The critical hit mechanics differ in each game, with some games having a separate critical hit damage multiplier while others have the critical hit damage calculated by the weapon’s damage formula. In some games, critical hits ignore defense or resistance, giving players an advantage against tanky enemies. Critical hits are usually calculated separately from normal hits, meaning they have a separate chance to occur.

Role in Combat

Critical hits play an important role in combat, particularly in boss battles or PvP. In a boss battle, a player’s ability to land critical hits can often mean the difference between success or failure. Players who are unable to deal enough damage may find themselves unable to defeat the boss, making critical hits a key element in determining victory.
In PvP, critical hits can be a game-changer, particularly if the players are evenly matched. A single critical hit can often turn the tide of a battle, making it a prized skill to have in such situations. Players who can consistently land critical hits are often seen as more skilled and experienced than those who cannot.

Increasing Critical Hit Chance

Many games allow players to increase their chance of landing critical hits, with gear, abilities, and other mechanics. Players can often increase their critical hit chance by equipping specific items or weapons, or by choosing abilities that offer a bonus to critical hit chance. Some games also allow players to increase their chance of critical hits by attacking from behind, or by attacking weakened enemies.
Players who focus on increasing their critical hit chance often build their characters around this ability. They will often prioritize items or abilities that offer a bonus to critical hit chance, and will adjust their playstyle to maximize their chance of landing critical hits.


Critical hits are a key feature of many games, and offer players the chance to deal significantly more damage to their opponents than normal hits. They play an important role in combat, particularly in boss battles and PvP. Players who can consistently land critical hits are often seen as more skilled and experienced than those who cannot. With a focus on increasing critical hit chance, players can build characters that excel in this ability and use it to their advantage in their gaming endeavors.