A Point of Interest (POI) is a specific location on the Battle Royale map that holds significance for players due to its unique features, resources, or strategic advantages. These areas are often characterized by their high player traffic, making them hotspots for...

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GR stands for God Roll. To view the explanation of "god roll," please check out God Roll page.
God Roll
Gaming terminology can sometimes feel like a language all its own. From DPS (Damage Per Second) to NPC (Non-Player Character), these acronyms and jargons form the unique lingo that defines the gaming world. One term that might be unfamiliar to those outside of the...
An emote, short for emotion or emotional expression, is a popular feature in many video games that allows players to express themselves through predefined animations or gestures. Emotes are used to communicate emotions, taunts, or to simply add an element of fun and...
Field of View (FoV) is a term used in gaming to describe the extent of the observable game world that is visible to the player on their screen at any given moment. FoV is typically measured in degrees and can be adjusted in many games to accommodate different screen...
The Heads-Up Display, or HUD, is an essential component in modern video games. It is the graphical interface that presents critical information to players during gameplay, enabling them to monitor their in-game status, objectives, and other key data. HUDs can be found...